Anushka Merchante, who is also known for playing the role of Riya Chatterjee in Bombay Begums, is in the news on social media these days due to her tremendous glamour. Recently, he shared some of his photos on his Insta handle which are becoming increasingly viral on social media.
In the photos, she is seen standing and posing outdoors. Her dress for this shoot has been sourced by Fashion Struc while her makeup has been done by Rohit Singh. These photos have been captured by Sanjay Kumar.
Talking about Anushka’s career, in 2022 she made a lot of headlines with the film Khuda Haafiz: Chapter 2. In this film, she was seen sharing the screen with Vidyut Jammwal. After this he also acted in the role of Chhavi Singh in the TV series ‘Main Hoon Aparajita’.