Actress Athulyaa Ravi celebrated her 29th birthday on 21st December 2023. Let us tell you, in 2023 itself, she started her career in the Telugu entertainment world with the film Meter and in 2024 she will also be seen in the film Diesel. Recently he shared some pictures of his birthday celebration on social media.
In the pictures, she is seen posing with birthday gifts in a black dress. He also wrote the caption for these photos – “Every year when I receive all of your wishes & blessings on my birthday there is a strange feeling that cant be put in words! Thankful and grateful to each one of you made my birthday more beautiful ❤️ #feelingblessed #grateful #youallaremyfamily ❤️❤️”.
She was born in Coimbatore and Athulyaa Ravi was named Divya at birth but was later changed. He did his studies from Karpagam College of Engineering and then also attended SRMIST, Chennai. In 2017, she acted in the role of Athulya in her first film “Kadhal Kan Kattudhe”.