Iswarya Menon, who plays Kirthana in Sony Liv’s web series Tamil Rockerz, recently shared some of her throwback photos. In which she is seen in a very crazy but fascinating look. In 2023, she was in the news a lot for her film Spy. In this Telugu film, she played the character of Vaishnavi which was highly appreciated by the audience.
Iswarya shared some of her photos on social media today i.e. on 22 December 2023, in which she is seen posing on the beach in a very attractive dress.
He has also written a caption for these photos – “Felt like a ??? ? out of the ocean?. #vacayvibes? #throwback #bye2023”. According to the caption, these photos of hers are Throwback Photos which were captured on her vacation this year.
Aishwarya studied her Instrumentation engineering from SRM Institute of Science and Technology. Till he has worked only in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films, but as we will know about all have observed recently that the actors of South Film Industry and Bollywood Industry are working together, so there will be more in the coming times. Maybe he may also be seen in Hindi films.