The action-thriller film “Vedaa” will soon be released in theaters and in this film, along with John Abraham and Tamannaah Bhatia, Sharvari Wagh will also be seen in the lead role. According to the trailer, John will be seen as an ex-army officer while Tamanna will be seen as his partner.
Sharvari’s character in the film is special and will be in the limelight the most. John trains Sharvari to fight and later teams up with her to fight criminals. However, looking at the trailer of the film, it seems that Tamanna’s screen time is going to be reduced in the film.
Let us tell you, this film will be released on 15 August 2024 i.e. Independence Day. Its trailer was released on August 1 and has been viewed by more than 5 million people so far. People have also praised John and Sharvari in the comments. Below I am also giving screenshots of some comments, which you can also read.
Veda film is directed by Nikkhil Advani and written by Aseem Arrora. Before this, Nikhil has also directed many other films like Rocket Boys, Mumbai Diaries and these films have also received a lot of love from the audience. Hopefully this film will also create a stir in theatres!
Watch the trailer here: