Kaanta Laga fame actress Shefali Jariwala recently shared some of her photos on her Instagram handle while wishing her fans a Christmas, in which she is seen in a very beautiful style. Shefali is mainly known for playing the character of Bijli in the film Mujhse Shaadi Karogi. However, before this film, she had also made a lot of headlines with DJ Doll’s hot music video ‘Kaanta Laga Remix’.
This Christmas season, Shefali shared some photos with her fans which are going viral very fast on social media. In these photos, she is seen posing wearing Maroon Sparkling Dress of Adaara Couture and Jewelry of Mirana Brand. These photos of his have been captured by Ishpreet Singh.
Talking about career, Shefali will soon be seen in Star Bharat’s show Shaitani Rasmein. Earlier in 2020, she was seen as a contestant in Bigg Boss 13.