Third Eye is a Bold-Drama Web Series and is directed by Rajesh K Raman. The story of the series revolves around a blind girl and her husband. As the couple shifts to their new home the blind girl is overwhelmed by the love and support given by her husband.
But soon the girl suspects the presence of a third person in that house and soon her suspicion turns into confidence when she realizes that the third person is none other than a girl who is actually her husband. Is romancing with. How far will a blind wife tolerate her husband’s infidelity?
Third Eye – Web Series Details
Language | Hindi |
Genre | Drama, Romance, Thriller |
Release Date | 13 April 2021 |
Director | Rajesh K Raman |
Produced By | ULLU Originals |
Episodes | 1 |
Running Time | 40 Minutes (approx.) |
Third Eye – Cast & Crew
Name (Actors & Actresses) | Roles |
Mandakrantha | blind girl |
Ravish Rathi | Husband |
Manisha Jain | Third Person |