Aamir and Reena’s daughter Ira Khan, born in 1997, today shared something on social media which has impressed her fans a lot. Today Ira shared some text images on her Insta handle in which she is seen sharing her thoughts. Let us also know, after all she did and wrote this due to which she has become a part of the news.
We are translating his written words into Hindi. She writes –
“I am scared. I am afraid of being alone. I am afraid of being helpless. I am afraid of the bad things in the world like violence, disease, and indifference. I am afraid of losing someone. I am also afraid that I might get hurt, but then again I am afraid that I might become mute. Although it doesn’t happen every day, it doesn’t always happen, you will see me laughing, working and living. But when I’m scared it cripples me.”
In her further posts she writes –
“Sometimes the feeling of fear is very bad, I come out of all this, but this fear never ends. When I am in fear, I forget how many people there are who love me. I forget that if I get lost somewhere, he will find me. He takes so much care of me. “I even forget how capable I am.”
It is not normal for a 26-year-old star kid to write such things on social media. Such texts can be written only in three circumstances, either you are very intelligent, want to give a social message and or you are going through some such circumstances which are making you feel strange. Let us tell you, a few weeks ago, Ira had also shared on her social media about a foundation called Sangat India which helps people across the country in things related to mental health.