Actress Isha Koppikar, who played the character of Anita in the film Don, is currently in the news for her political activities. However, she is still associated with the cinema world and has worked in films in many languages. Recently, Asia One Magazine honored him with the Black Swan Fitness Icon of the year Award and also praised him for his work related to health awareness in the society.
Let us tell you, some time ago she had also celebrated International Women’s Day with Mumbai Police. On January 26, she was also seen celebrating Republic Day at the Governor of Maharashtra’s house. Although he is very active in politics, still he has not left the cinema world. Her Tamil film Ayalaan has been released in 2024, in which she is seen acting in the role of Eliza.
Actress Isha Koppikar, who played the character of Anita in the film Don, is currently in the news for her political activities. However, she is still associated with the cinema world and has worked in films in many languages. Recently, Asia One Magazine honored him with the Black Swan Fitness Icon of the year Award and also praised him for his work related to health awareness in the society.
Let us tell you, some time ago she had also celebrated International Women’s Day with Mumbai Police. On January 26, she was also seen celebrating Republic Day at the Governor of Maharashtra’s house. Although he is very active in politics, still he has not left the cinema world. Her Tamil film Ayalaan has been released in 2024, in which she is seen acting in the role of Eliza.