The trailer of the film Bade Miyan Chote Miyan has been released on 26 March 2024. Alaya F along with Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chhillar and Tiger Shroff were seen together at the trailer launch of the film. Main attraction of this event Alaya F Stayed. She was seen in a very bold dress at the event. Especially when her photos with Tiger Shroff started going viral on social media, the public also loved her a lot. Many people even wrote in her Insta comment section that her pairing with Tiger looks amazing.
If we will know about talk about Alaya’s look, she was seen posing in a black and mustard colored mini dress. In the photos, Alaya F is seen flaunting her curvy figure and toned legs.
Talking about the film, in the film Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, Akshay Kumar has played the role of Firoz, Tiger Shroff has played the role of Rakesh, Manushi Chhillar has played the role of Captain Misha and Alaya F has played the role of Pam. The film will be released in theaters on 10 April 2024.