Black Widows is a dark comedy web series and its story revolves around Veera, Jayati and Kavita. Who plan to get rid of their husbands so that the miseries of their married life can end. Watch the web series “Black Widows” only on ZEE5.
The series stars Mona Singh (Veera Mehrotra), Swastika Mukherjee (Jayati Sardesai), Shamita Shetty (Kavita Tharoor), Sharad Kelkar (Jatin Mehrotra), Parambrata Chattopadhyay (Inspector Pankaj Mishra), Sabyasachi Chakraborty (Barry Singh Dhillon), Aamir Ali ( Eddie) and Raima Sen (Innaya Thakur) are seen acting in the lead roles.
Black Widows – Web Series Details
Language | Hindi |
Genre | Dark Comedy, Drama, Web Series |
rating | 18+ |
Release Date | 18 December 2020 |
Directed By | Birsa Dasgupta |
Written By | Radhika Anand |
Distributed By | ZEE5 |
Seasons & Episodes | Season 1 (Episode 12) |
Black Widows – All Episodes
Episode no. | Episode Name | Director |
Episode 1 | Boom! | Birsa Dasgupta |
Episode 2 | Freedom, Life, and Choices | Birsa Dasgupta |
Episode 3 | teddy bear | Birsa Dasgupta |
Episode 4 | The Killer | Birsa Dasgupta |
Episode 5 | Finding Love | Birsa Dasgupta |
Episode 6 | No More A Victim | Birsa Dasgupta |
Episode 7 | The Deal | Birsa Dasgupta |
Episode 8 | Purple Moments | Birsa Dasgupta |
Episode 9 | Jatin Must Die | Birsa Dasgupta |
Episode 10 | Crossroads | Birsa Dasgupta |
Episode 11 | Flash Drive | Birsa Dasgupta |
Episode 12 | Love and Death | Birsa Dasgupta |
Black Widows – Cast & Crew
Name (Actors & Actresses) | Roles |
Mona Singh | Veera Mehrotra |
Swastika Mukherjee | Jayati Sardesai |
Shamita Shetty | Kavita Tharoor |
Sharad Kelkar | Jatin Mehrotra |
Parambrata Chattopadhyay | Inspector Pankaj Mishra |
Sabyasachi Chakraborty | Barry Singh Dhillon |
Aamir Ali | Eddie |
Raima Sen | Innaya Thakur |
Saheb Chatterjee | Rameez Sheikh |
Nikhil Bhambri | Jahaan Sardesai |
Mithu Chakraborty | Rameez’s mother |
Mainak Banerjee | Constable |
Rupsha Chatterjee | Jatin’s Secretary |