Avneet Kaur, who plays Yasmine in Aladdin – Naam Toh Suna Hoga, is quite famous among Gen Z on social media. She often remains in the headlines for her photoshoots and rumors related to her private life. Recently, in one of its digital events, Bollywood Life honored many celebrities associated with the industry and their work by giving them awards. In the same sequence, Avneet Kaur was also honored by Bollywood Life with Bollywood Life Awards in the category of Best Debut.
Let us tell you, the Satirical Romantic Comedy-Drama film ‘Tiku Weds Sheru’ was released in Hindi language in 2023. This film was produced by Kangna Ranaut, the film starred Nawazuddin Siddiqui as Sheru and Avneet Kaur as Tiku. The story of the film is about two people who come to Mumbai to make it big in Bollywood.
Talking about work front, Avneet Kaur will be seen in her upcoming project ‘Luv Ki Arrange Marriage’. However the film is in production. Apart from this, her bold photoshoots are also gaining a lot of headlines these days. Almost every news site is covering about her different dresses. And why not cover it too, Avneet keeps attracting everyone’s attention with her new fashion looks.