Cyanide is a bold-thriller web series and its story revolves around Ayesha, the only lucky woman to survive cyanide poisoning. Actually, this poison is given to her by her husband Mohan, who is involved in 12 such serial murders. Mohan, to get rid of the police, kidnaps Ayesha’s son and absconds with his next victim, a beautiful Kashmiri woman ‘Sana’. Will Mohan be able to carry out his nefarious plans? Watch ‘Cyanide’ only on ULLU App.
The series stars Sharib Hashmi (Mohan), Sara Khan (Ayesha), Mir Sarwar (SP Arfaz Ahmed Khan), Tariq Khan (Jasveer Singh), Neelofar Sheikh (Poonam), Ritu Rajput (Sana), Akshitaa Agnihotri (Akshita) and Master Kazim Abbas Khan (Monty) is seen in the lead role.