Shraddha Arya, who works in Kundali Bhagya, may soon be seen in the new season of Bigg Boss. So far, names of many celebrities have come forward to participate in Salman Khan’s reality show Bigg Boss. In such a situation, the name of another celebrity is coming forward to participate in ‘Bigg Boss 18’ and this is not a name but a well-known face of the TV entertainment world. Shraddha Arya, who plays the role of Preeta in the TV show ‘Kundali Bhagya’, has shown interest in coming to Bigg Boss 18. But he has also set a condition for coming to the show, which we will know about will mention further.
What is Shraddha Arya’s condition to enter Bigg Boss 18?
Shraddha has established her special identity in almost every family by acting in the role of Preeta in ‘Kundali Bhagya’. And news is coming about him that he is also eager to appear in the reality show ‘Bigg Boss 18’. According to the news received from TellyChakkar, Shraddha was recently seen at an event. Whereas during the conversation with the reporter, Shraddha has put a condition before the makers regarding coming to Bigg Boss. She says that she will participate in the show when her on-screen sister Anjum will enter the Bigg Boss house with her. Let us tell you that Anjum had left the TV show a few months ago. Even after this Shraddha Arya would like to go with him.
Talking about work front, Shraddha has done many TV shows till , along with this she is also very active on her social media handles. He likes to share pictures related to his personal life with his fans and his fans also like his new pictures a lot. In such a situation, if Shraddha is seen in Bigg Boss 18, then it will be very interesting for the fans to see her in Salman’s show.
Shraddha Arya, who works in Kundali Bhagya, may soon be seen in the new season of Bigg Boss. So far, names of many celebrities have come forward to participate in Salman Khan’s reality show Bigg Boss. In such a situation, the name of another celebrity is coming forward to participate in ‘Bigg Boss 18’ and this is not a name but a well-known face of the TV entertainment world. Shraddha Arya, who plays the role of Preeta in the TV show ‘Kundali Bhagya’, has shown interest in coming to Bigg Boss 18. But he has also set a condition for coming to the show, which we will know about will mention further.
What is Shraddha Arya’s condition to enter Bigg Boss 18?
Shraddha has established her special identity in almost every family by acting in the role of Preeta in ‘Kundali Bhagya’. And news is coming about him that he is also eager to appear in the reality show ‘Bigg Boss 18’. According to the news received from TellyChakkar, Shraddha was recently seen at an event. Whereas during the conversation with the reporter, Shraddha has put a condition before the makers regarding coming to Bigg Boss. She says that she will participate in the show when her on-screen sister Anjum will enter the Bigg Boss house with her. Let us tell you that Anjum had left the TV show a few months ago. Even after this Shraddha Arya would like to go with him.
Talking about work front, Shraddha has done many TV shows till , along with this she is also very active on her social media handles. He likes to share pictures related to his personal life with his fans and his fans also like his new pictures a lot. In such a situation, if Shraddha is seen in Bigg Boss 18, then it will be very interesting for the fans to see her in Salman’s show.