Madonna Sebastian Known for working in Tamil and Malayalam films. In 2023, she was seen in the film Padmini and before that she was seen in the role of Elisa Das in ‘Leo’ with film star Vijay. On March 29, 2024, Galatta Media organized an award show in which many stars of the South Film Industry were honored. Galatta Golden Star Awards has been awarded.
In the same sequence, Madonna Sebastian was also honored with the Golden Star Awards in the category of Entertainer of the Year. Along with the actress, Galatta Media has also shared some of her photos with the award.
Madonna has been given this award for her work in the entertainment industry. He has entertained the audience not only with movies but also with web series and his music videos. In 2015 he starred in the Malayalam film ‘love‘ Started his career from. After this, in 2016, he also lent his voice to a song ‘Pularkalam Pole’ from the film ‘Valleem Thetti Pulleem Thetti’.