Musical Film’Amar Singh Chamkila‘ Has been released on Netflix on 12 April 2024. The film is based on the life of Punjabi singer and musician Amar Singh Chamkila. The film is directed by Imtiaz Ali while its music is given by AR Rahman. You have got the basic information, let us know about Amar Singh Chamkila.
Who was Amar Singh Chamkila?
Amar Singh Chamkila (Birth Name: Dhanni Ram) was born on 21 July 1960 in a Dalit Sikh family in Dugri Village, Ludhiana. He wanted to become an electrician but due to financial constraints he worked in a textile mill. However, due to his passion for music, he also learned Harmonium and Dholki.
Amar Singh used to write songs and at the age of 18, he also wrote many songs for Surinder Shinda (Singer). After this he also started singing. People liked his song so much that everyone started calling him Amar Singh Chamkila. He often included daily dialogues and social problems in his songs. Due to which people became crazy about him.
Amar Singh first started sharing the live stage with female vocalist ‘Surinder Sonia’. But he felt that he was not being paid as much money as he deserved, so he formed his own group in 1980. Once upon a time in Punjabi music industry Amar Singh and his wife Amarjot The pair was the most hit pair. However Amarjot was his second wife and a singer competing with him.
Arriving to perform in Mehsampur, Punjab, both Chamkila and Amarjot were shot as they stepped out of their vehicle at around 2 am on 8 March 1988. A gang of motorcycle riders fired several rounds, seriously injuring the couple and other members of their entourage. However, no arrests were ever made in connection with the shootings and the case was never solved.
Chamkila used to write his own songs. Most of his songs were childish and suggestive and some contained fluent comments on extramarital affairs, alcohol and drug use.
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It is alleged that Chamkila and his wife were murdered by Sikh militants. But Chamkila’s close friend Swarna Sivia had completely rejected it. Sivia had told that she, along with Chamkila, had apologized to the militants and vowed to change the subject of her songs. After this, he sang some evergreen songs on Sikh history. Siwia suspected that Khalistani terrorists were responsible for his murder.