Palang Tod (Bekaboo Heart) is a Mystery-Drama Web Series, a friend of Shreya’s father comes to stay at their house, he learns about Shreya’s midnight fantasies and decides to take advantage of this scenario. What will happen next?
Nishikant Diwedi (Father), Sharad Gore (Uncle) and Muskan Agrawal (Shreya) are seen in lead roles in this series. see Palang Tod (break the bed) Web series only on ULLU App.
Palang Tod (Bekaboo Dil) – Details
Language | Hindi |
Genre | Drama, Suspense, Mystery, Web Series |
Release Date | 26 February 2021 |
seasons | Season 1 |
Director | SSK |
Distributed By | ULLU |
Palang Tod (Bekaboo Dil) – (Cast & Crew)
Cast (Name) | role |
Nishikant Diwedi | Father |
Muskan Agrawal | Shreya |
Sharad Gore | Uncle |