Rajkummar Rao is known for his unique acting style in films and he is going to be seen in the biopic of the film ‘Srikanth Bolla’ directed by Tushar Hiranandani. Recently, some of his pictures have created a stir on the internet. According to the pictures, it looks like he has undergone facial surgery. After all, let us know what is the truth behind this.
Rajkummar was spotted at Diljit Dosanjh’s music event in Mumbai on Saturday night. In such a situation, their photographs were also captured. As soon as the pictures were uploaded on the internet, there was a stir among his fans. Some fans even started comparing him with actor ‘Rishabh Sahni’ who played the role of villain in the film ‘Fighter’. According to fans, there is a lot of difference between the old face of Rajkumar Rao and the face seen in these new pictures. Let us tell you that Rajkumar has not yet given any confirmation on his surgery.
My Opinion!
I feel like this is not surgery. Although there is a difference in the face, it is also possible that Rajkumar may have used Temporary Enhancements to play the character in the film. However, after looking at the photo carefully, it also seems that the photo has been digitally enhanced because the shadow on the neck does not match with the face cut.
Talking about his films, he is busy preparing for the release of his film ‘Srikanth’. The film is a biopic based on the life of Srikanth Bolla, a visually impaired industrialist. The film is scheduled to be released on 10 May 2024.