star kid Janhvi Kapoor Nowadays, she is in the headlines for her films. Today his upcoming film ‘UlajhThe teaser of ‘ has been released on the internet. According to the teaser, she will be seen in the role of IFS Officer in the film. Along with the teaser, the release date of the film has also been revealed, according to the announcement, the film will hit the theaters on July 5, 2024.
The story of the film ‘Ulj’ is going to be full of suspense and thriller. A young diplomat tries to stop a conspiracy against her country as well as herself. Gulshan Daiveya’s voice in the background of the teaser increases the intensity of the story manifold, which clearly shows how exciting the film is going to be.
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Janhvi Kapoor is currently working in 12 different films. In which Mr. &Mrs. Mahi, Devara, Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari and Rambo are mainly included. She will also be seen in Ram Charan’s 16th film, although the name of the film has not been made public yet.
The film is being directed by Sudhanshu Saria. Along with Janhvi, Adil Hussain, Gulshan Devaiah, Roshan Mathew and Swati Verma will be seen acting in lead roles in the film.