Who got stardom from Ranbir Kapoor’s film ‘Animal’ Tripti Dimri Nowadays, she remains in the news due to her social media posts. Recently, many of her bed scenes with Ranbir in the film Animal also went viral. According to industry experts, the nude scenes of the movie ‘Animal’ are one of the boldest scenes of Bollywood till date. Let us tell you, these days Trupti is also in the news about her upcoming films.
your upcoming film Bhool Bhulaiya 3 She will share the screen with Kartik Aryan. The shooting of the movie has started and it is being said that Vidya Walan, Madhuri Dixit and Tabu will also be seen in important roles in this film. Recently Trupti shared her latest video in which she is looking amazing. Besides, her fans are also going crazy about her new look.
In this latest video, Trupti is seen in Blue Shorts and Blue Top. Trupti’s cuteness in the video is worth watching. Sometimes she is seen placing her hands on her cheeks and sometimes posing in style. It is on this simplicity and innocence of Trupti that her fans shower their love.
Talking about work front, Trupti has many films going to be released in the near future. Along with ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’, ‘Bad News’ and ‘Vicky Aur Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video’, Trupti is currently working in many other films. Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video is a Retro Film and is scheduled to be released on 11 October 2024. Let us tell you, this film is going to be a family drama film.