Legal Comedy Drama Web Series’The matter is legal‘Naila Grewal, who played the role of Ananya Shroff, is in the headlines these days. This web series is amazing in itself but its actors have also won the hearts of the audience. Now everyone is eagerly waiting for its season 2. Along with Naila, experienced actors like Ravi Kishan, Nidhi Bisht, Anant V Joshi and Yashpal Sharma are playing important roles in the series.
Recently, Naila shared her experience of working with other big actors of the series. They said, “Many changes have taken place within me since working in this series. Working with artists like Ravi Kishan was like going to an acting institute, I learned a lot from him. The guidance of other artists has also had a deep impact on my approach towards acting.,
She further said, she feels fortunate to work with talented artists. By playing the role of an advocate in this web series, he got a chance to learn new aspects about his art.
Naila has played the role of Ananya Shroff in this series. Ananya comes to the court of Patpar Ganj with an idealistic mind after taking a law degree from Harvard. She wants to help people but faces disappointment herself due to the poor court system.
Maamla Legal Hai was released on Netflix on 1 March 2024. Its 8 episodes have been released so far. You can read it on Times of India Reviews Can also read. Season 2 of this series has been announced but its release date is yet to come.